We seem to have some kind of knack for running into things that are just kinda happening in a particular city. We had no idea where we were or where we were going. We had just finished dining at one of the outdoor cafes and had decided that walking off lunch was a good idea. As we meandered through the streets, appreciating the very old buildings and wonderful statues, gargoyles and other assorted additions to the buildings, we started to hear music so...we decided to check it out. As we got closer we realized it was the oompa-pa music so typical of parades...and sure enough...it was!

The groups that were included were numerous and varied. I'm making up where all these people are from because I have absolutely no idea. We did show Csaba, Lisa's boyfriend, the pictures and he said they were different ethnic groups in Hungary. Since I can't be more specific, I'll just share the pictures so....back to the parade... The "Afrikan" dancers were really cool - extremely energetic and moving a lot (most of my pictures were quite blurry from the action).
The next guy didn't fit into the oompa-pa band and sadly we didn't hear this group play but...he definitely gets the prize for the most unusual instrument in a parade.
The kids were adorable, of course. There are more in the next posting...they were excited and waving...and mom was walking beside them taking videos of the kids in the parade. Some of the groups performed a dance, others sang while others just waved and looked cute.
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