Monday, June 28, 2010

Flooding in Budapest

Remember when I mentioned that there was a lot of rain, flooded fields, that kind of stuff??? Well…there was…in fact there was so much rain and so much water and so many ponds…that it washed away the embankment under a section of track and forced the trains running back to Budapest to come to a screeching halt. We had boarded the train for our journey back and we waited. There was an announcement about a delay and we waited. Another announcement, another wait (good thing we had Csaba - we would have been completely in the dark!). Finally, we learned we could go on the train up to the stop before the problem, take a bus (for about 1.5 hours) around the break and then board another train to continue the trip. The catch…the buses had not yet arrived at the station and no one was sure when (or if) they would. Other options? A hotel? REALLY expensive (or extremely questionable). Rent a car? It’s a Sunday, 9 at night…nothing is open. Call Lisa’s friend Eszter? OK…sounds strange but…oh man did she come through for us. Through a friend of a friend, she found a guy who lived in town who was willing to take us all the way up to Budapest (about 3 hours or so). It was cheaper than we would have paid for a hotel and a lot nicer. We were amazed that she had a network that could pull this off for us late at night. We enjoyed a very quick trip through the town until he came - not long at all - and drove us all home. Absolutely amazing - a thousand kudos to our driver - may he live a long and happy life!

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