Monday, April 4, 2016

Cheetah's Rock - Zanzibar

For such a small, impoverished, area, I was impressed with the number of areas where people where actively working to protect the environment. One place we visited was Cheetah’s Rock. This is a fascinating animal rescue operation with a twist. All of the animals were rescued from various situations, or were animals born in

Ring-tailed Lemur
captivity, meaning that they are not candidates for being released back into the wild. Jenny, the trainer who works with them, has an amazing way with the animals, building trust with them that is not normally seen with wild animals. It was amazing to hear her tales of living with some of the animals in her home – including the lion cub, Aslan (no longer a cub and no longer in the house!). She has worked to provide them with large enclosures and numerous options for enrichment to keep them active – as well as the hands on shows for the people who come to visit!

We did get to get up and close with a number of the animals, including the bush babies who frolicked around anyone who had a bit of food, as well as the ring tailed lemurs who spent their time racing through the trees to the next handout!

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