It was time to travel
back in time, back to a world that is (almost) unchanged by the future, a pastoral
life where people work and live by the sun and seasons, community support
Ma and Pa - note the new well |
as barn raising (though here it's home raising), local schools, kids can go
anywhere and everybody knows everyone...probably to the dismay of the
teens...enter the world of Shan State.
We drove through the patchwork quilt
countryside, where, depending upon the season,
On the banks of the bathing hole |
this region grows the fruits and
vegetables used throughout the country...all grown organically by hand. Oxen
roam the fields to till the land, fertilize the fields, pull the hay carts,
haul people to and from the fields, as well as to bring in a new water pots or
pipes for water. (it's for the community water spots, not to the individual haul it yourself to get it to your home).There are motorcycles
now, but few compared to the cities and you will see a truck here and there,
usually FILLED
Truck to the market - about 15 miles away |
with as much as can possibly be put in it whether it is people
or things. The roads are mostly dirt, though they are hard at work, hand laying
pavement. They can be impassable during the rainy season so they are working to
make it easier to get around.
We traveled to Pindaya Lake, weaving through the
mountain valley, through fields that grow a wide variety of foods including
potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts, cabbage, beans, peppers and far more than I
remember. Moving up closer to the mountains they also grow coffee and
tea....truly a breadbasket. There is a great legend here about seven heavenly
princesses who get trapped by an enormous spider. A prince comes along, kills
the spider, and, of course, marries the youngest princess and they all live
happily ever after. When he kills the spider he proclaims "I killed the
spider" (Binguya) which, if said enough, can become Pindaya, the name of
the lake.
We headed up into the hills around the lake to
the very same cave of the legend. Let me
start out by saying that they were
tangling with a mighty big spider! It's a limestone cave with great stalactites
and stalagmites, some even joining into columns already, meaning the cave system
is quite old. There seems to be some fluorite mixed in with the leeching
minerals because some parts of the cave are distinctly green or purple, making
it quite pretty. Now, caves tend to be cool for the most part, a great place to
escape summer heat but this cave was different. The first main cave was
noticeably cooler than the outside warmth but as you wound your way through,
Greens & Purples in the cave |
was a point where suddenly, warm, humid air surrounded you and the
remaining back part of the cave was a bit hot; an anomaly Jeff was ready to
pursue but finally decided that the local geologists probably could already
explain the reason for the temperature difference. The rainy season affects the
interior of the cave because there's a section where a lake forms at times from
the intense rain that falls.

While there were stalagmites in various places
as well as a column or two, they really weren't what we were winding our way
around as we explored the cave. The cave system was filled, and I do mean
filled, with Buddha statues of every size, shape, and composition...marble,
wood, concrete and even bamboo. They were mounted on stalagmites, on various
rock formations, as well as creatively attached to the walls all the way to the
roof of the cave. Some were so high you could barely see much detail (or
perhaps that was the result of living with bats in the cave). The Buddhas were
more good works offered by people around the world and more are still arriving.
They are always looking for creative ways to eke out more space to keep up with
the demand. The main cave has become a labyrinth where one can weave through
the statues, meandering countless paths and getting quite turned around.
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