Gecko’s trips advertise that they use local guides, people who have grown up in the area and can offer unique experiences, the popular tourist sites as well as other opportunities, off the beaten track. Misheck offered us one such view into the real life in Africa. For quite some time he has been involved in working with local families affected by AIDS. He has been instrumental in finding funding and help for children who have lost their families, providing schooling costs and locating homes and families for them to live with. The home he took us to visit was small but very busy, a couple who have taken in children who have no one to turn to. There were about 10 children there that day – some who lived with them, others who live with neighbors.

Things we take for granted are not found here. Even the water is about 2km away from their home and every day they need to go to the well, hand pump it up, and cart it back to their home. Their life is so far removed from anything we’ve ever experienced yet they shared spontaneous smiles and welcomed us to their home.
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