You know that it's a very cold location when the windows are
composed of two, doubled panes windows.
We had traveled to Toulouse, France, a land that is currently quite
pleasant, warm during the day and brisk at night. However, when we saw our
hotel windows, I immediately decided this was not a place to visiting them
The city is a quiet place to explore, small streets, winding
cobblestones taking you between ancient buildings, old churches and small shops
nestled in the walls. Some areas have very modern looking shops with things
you'd find anywhere. Pharmacies varied, from general over the counter stuff to
one with an extensive herbal, homeopathic, fresh dried herbs and tinctures
filling very nook and cranny! Wish I could have read the French! Turns out,
they have regular medical pharmacies and para pharmacies that have homeopathic
and other alternative medicines regularly available. If the green light is on,
a pharmacist is available and from what I could see, readily able to talk with
people about either form of health care (obviously observation and I could have
misinterpreted but it sure seemed like that's what they were doing)

Talk about displays...we went to the museum of natural history
today. They had one of the most outstanding gems display I've ever seen. The
presentation was unique as well as intriguing
...all the colors of fluorite and all the shapes.colors of calcite. Excellent
comparisons...and al done I. French. It was so well done that we could follow
what they were saying...helpful that Jeff both knew the gems and French, but
even I was able to follow some of it. They had an entire wall of herbal
remedies, pictures and samples of the flowers as well as some info about uses.
Wish I could have understood that! I love displays that aren't limited to the
need to understand everything in the language it was printed in.
We managed to be in town for their once a year Heritage Festival.
They had a farmers market set in the middle of the town square, selling
jewelry, gems, local honey, food, veggies and a lot more! Fun to wander through
the stalls, checking things out. They also had a play of some kind with
gargantuan puppets worn by men - a king, queen, knight, a few ladies in
waiting...and a fisherman who seemed to be at he center of the story! I love
accidentally running into things like that though I wish I understood more of
what was going on.